Wednesday, January 14, 2009

when the going gets tough, buy post-it's

Interview season is upon us and to keep with the spirit of the season I shall be jetting off to the East Coast where it is oh so much colder than it is over here on the west. And I mean SO much colder ... as in a 60-some-odd degree difference; I sure hope my wimpy west coast ass can take the cold.

A little over a week from today I have an interview at a rather prestigious graduate school on the East coast, and though I have spent the last few days overjoyed that I made it to the interview stage, it was not until the today that the fear kicked in ... crap... this is it! My entire future can be reduced to what I say to one person on one day in my life .. scheiza! But, when the times get tough the tough get ... organized? well... at least in my world they do.

So my sometimes, okay always, obsessive compulsive self sat down at the computer, copiously taking notes about said prestigious university, the international opportunities, class schedules, you know the usual (btw I wound up with a 17 page document.. too much?). But then I segued into a student network where the true horror kicked in .... yikes! While visiting's interview forum I saw them .. reports from former student who interviewed at the school along with some of the questions they were asked in interview... yikes, i was even less prepared than I thought.. so, what is the solution? Why make a list of all the potential interview questions as well as a five page document listing each major topic I want to discuss in my interview with a short and a long response for each category .... and yes, in case you were wondering, i do realize i have problems, but if post-it's and 3 ring binders make me feel all warm and cozy in an otherwise terrifying situation, then by golly I will use three hole punches, dividers, and sticky notes to my hearts content!

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